Providing quality actuarial services for over a decade.
Our Firm
Linda L. Bournival, a credentialed actuary, formed KMS Actuaries after 25 years of consulting experience working with small, medium and large private corporations as well as state and local pension systems and postemployment (OPEB) health insurance programs.
We are located in Kingston, New Hampshire.
Our Commitment
Our focus is to build long and lasting client relationships. We achieve this by providing excellent services, on-time and within budget.

Our Services
We provide actuarial and consulting services for defined benefit plans and consulting services for defined contribution plans. We perform post-retirement valuations for Other Postemployment Benefits (OPEB) under GASB 45, GASB 74 and GASB 75. We also provide pension valuations in divorce situations for individuals and attorneys. Click here for a full description of our services.
Linda L. Bournival, FSA, EA, FCA, MAAA
Linda L. Bournival formed KMS Actuaries, LLC, after nearly 25 years of actuarial consulting experience with a wide-range of retirement plan and postemployment benefit assignments and issues. She has provided actuarial, administration and consulting services to several large, medium and small corporations as well as state and local government pension systems.
Amanda J. Makarevich, FSA, MAAA
Amanda J. Makarevich joined KMS in 2017. She has worked with governmental entities and private sector clients providing a wide range of actuarial services for a variety of plan types, including qualified and non-qualified traditional defined benefit, cash balance, and other post-employment benefits plans.